This study is a postmortem evaluation of a process tower that suffered significant distortion after a local post weld heat treatment (PWHT). After installation of new nozzles near the base of the pressure vessel, heat treatment was performed to alleviate welding residual stresses in-situ, using a bulls-eye heating coil configuration. Currently, there are established industry guidelines on the placement of heating coils and insulation, but no standard analytical technique or engineering protocol or acceptance criteria that to assess a PWHT. As such, in addition to the postmortem analysis of the excessive deformation, several analytical techniques are also tested in the current study using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) to determine which method best predicts the deformation experienced by the pressure vessel in question. In these case studies, the analytical techniques include lower-bound estimate of collapse loads, buckling evaluation using linear elastic material properties, and an elastic check using a criterion provided in WRC 452. Creep elongation prediction during the short-term post weld heat treatment and buckling evaluation methods recommended by API 579-1/ASME FFS-1 are also included. The paper summarizes the findings based on the aforementioned methods, and an additional suggestion provided related to the potential optimization of PWHT design/execution.